This LOVE is about the amazing love of God for us(1Cor 13).
Very recently I came across a quote “DON’T JUDGE SOMEONE BECAUSE THEY SIN DIFFERENTLY THAN YOU DO”. Beautiful and so true.
I have come across many people who do exactly this. After listening to their ‘Judgements’ on others, my mind gets a clear picture of who they really are. I know many people who praise, worship and easily judge other people. I have one question for them… Does your conscience prick you when you sin? If not, you need to be on your knees!! Or have you taken the grace of God in your life as a license to sin?
If we love God , we will love others with their wrongs and repeated mistakes. It works vice-versa too.
Let me tell you one thing – NOBODY is perfect without Jesus!!

The Bible says , “Love keeps no record of wrongs”. My dear ones, if you want to love and please God, watch your tongue! Your tongue can either ruin or build you and your generations. Your life might seem perfect now but wait! …You want to enjoy a peaceful life? You want to see your generations blessed? WATCH YOUR TONGUE!! It’s very easy to say what you want but a wise person will use his/her tongue wisely because the Bible says ‘you will eat the fruit of your mouth’.

Do you want to know if you have a good heart? Then Listen to your OWN words. The Bible says, ‘out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks’. You can know it by the fruit that comes from you. If you are always judging and discussing other people’s mistakes and how they don’t do things your way, let me tell you one thing – YOU urgently need God’s help!!

A person thinking and doing differently from you doesn’t mean that he or she is wrong . If you can’t accept that, you need to change and have a heart big enough to accommodate them. You are trying to hide your mistakes by pointing at the speck in the other person’s eyes. I can assure you one thing – ask Jesus to heal your hurts and forgive your sins and the Holy Spirit will help you love others and overlook their sins. He will surely help you love others with their shortcomings. Jesus can help us coz He loves us with our weaknesses. He didn’t come to love HOLY people. He came for sinners . If Jesus could come down for us , let us get up from our ‘I AM PERFECT’ seats and love that person who has hurt us and be a blessing to them. Let’s forgive others EVERYDAY and live a life of Love. Live to love coz Jesus loves you !

P.S – This was not written because I am perfect but because only Jesus is.

– Raunaq & Sara